The Scott's Scoop began as blog about the Scott Family, so here is an update on each member of our family:
Fletcher and Pam are still married after 32 years!
(This is what we looked like after being married for 1 year.)

On April 4, 2012 we celebrated our 32nd Wedding Anniversary.
We went out to dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse in Rogers, Arkansas.
We are so thankful for all of the blessings God has given to us through our marriage.
Of course our most precious blessings are our three children and the years we have spent
watching them grow into adults.
Fletcher is still employed with the Community Coffee Company which is headquarted in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. After a brief time of living in Northwest Arkansas, Fletcher and Pam will soon be moving to Baton Rouge, LA so that Fletcher can continue his career with Community Coffee. During the past twenty-two months he has been the "Walmart Team" representing Community Coffee. When we moved here just 22 months ago the purpose was for Fletcher to lead a "team" to represent the Community Coffee Company and for the company to have a "presence" in Bentonville, Arkansas where the Wal Mart Home Office is located. All of that has changed and the "new" plan now is that we will move to Baton Rouge and Fletcher will be working out of the office there.
The photo below was taken on Fletcher's 53rd birthday!
We celebrated by going to the Naturals game in Springdale, AR.
(It was Dollar Dog night!)
The photo below is of me and Tommy
on the back deck of our home in Bentonville, Arkansas.
Our oldest child, Dan, is married to Kim.
They celebrated their One Year Wedding Anniversary
on February 5 this year.
Dan and Kim still live and work in Houston, Texas, and are both very active in the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. Dan has recently changed jobs. He is now employed with the Cobb/Fendley Engineering firm in Houston, while Kim continues to be employed with MD Anderson as a supervisor in the area of Cancer Research. Dan and Kim are both graduates of Texas A & M, and Kim has completed her Masters degree in Hospital Administration from the University of Houston Clear Lake.
They recently got a new little puppy!
He is my third "Grand" Dog, and his name is Buckshot.
They call him "Buck" for short.
Jennifer and Jarred got married on January 14, 2012.
This is a photo taken at Christmas of them with their little puppy "Bella" my second "Grand" dog.
Jennifer, our second child, is furthering her education as she is working her way through the Pharmacy Doctoral Program at The University of Texas. She graduated with an undergraduate degree in Nutrition Science from Texas A & M in 2009.
She still has two years to go to complete the Pharm D program at UT.
She and Jarred recently bought this home (pictured below) in the Austin, Texas area of Cedar Park.
They have one sweet little dog named Bella, and two larger dogs Jackson and Jewel. Jarred continues his career as a Paramedic in Hearne, TX. Yes, it is a long drive for him, but he is making the sacrifice for Jennifer to complete school, and he really enjoys his work.
Amy, our youngest daughter, is currently living in New York City and working on a marketing degree at Parsons School of Fashion.
This degree is in addition to her degree in Finance from Texas A & M University which she completed in 2009.
She will complete her Marketing degree at Parsons in August and hopes to find full-time employment in the Fashion Industry in New York City. This past spring she had an internship with the Mary Kate and Ashley Brands, and this summer she is interning with The Limited Corporation. We have enjoyed keeping her car for the past few months while she has been living and working in New York,
and we look forward to keeping Bailey for the summer. We enjoyed Amy's recent visit to Arkansas.
This photo was taken of Amy and Bailey while they were visiting us in Bentonville, AR.
Bailey was our first "Grand" Dog, and she is two years old.
Bailey was our first "Grand" Dog, and she is two years old.
Well, that just about sums it up!
As for me, I'm just trying to keep up with the day-to-day responsibilities.
I enjoyed my short time as a Substitute Teacher here in the Bentonville and Rogers School Districts this year,
but now I must get ready to move back "home" to Louisiana. We have been blessed with
so many friends and good memories from our short stay here in Northwest Arkansas.
We are so thankful for all of the wonderful people and new friends we have made here in Bentonville. Many people have been extraordinarily kind to us during the short time we have been here. God has truly shown mercy and grace to us here, and it has been a time of much needed rest in many ways. We are so thankful for this time we have had here, and we look forward to what God has in store for us in Baton Rouge where He has already gone before us to prepare a place for us and to bring new opportunities for us to serve Him there. The Lord has already provided a home for us to lease there, so we will be moving very soon!
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
"I know that there is nothing better for men than to be happy and do good while they live.
That everyone may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all his toil - this is the gift of God."
Ecclesiates 3:12-13